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NET ACCOUNTS / USER / GROUP - Windows CMD - Q324639 - NET.EXE /ADD does not support names longer than 20 characters. NET.exe - Manage network resources. NTRIGHTS - Edit user account rights (Logon Locally etc). Unlock domain users or reset passwords from command line Net user loginname /DOMAIN /active:YES. or if you want to reset their password you can use this command: net user loginname newpassword /DOMAIN /Active:Yes. then you should be all set. but keep in mind you must be logged in as a domain admin to do this or use the Runas command which i have a link in the references on how to use. How To Rename A User Account In Windows 10

C:\Windows\system32>net users User accounts for \C-20130201 ----- Administrator Guest Kent The command completed successfully. To get the very detail information about a particular user, including the password policies, login script used, and the local groups s/he belongs to, run

Aug 21, 2019 · Enter a user name, password, password hint or choose security questions, and then select Next. Change a local user account to an administrator account Under Settings > Accounts > Family & other users , select the account owner name, then select Change account type . net user /add [username] [password] This creates the user account. net localgroup administrators [username] /add This adds the user to the Local Administrators Group. You have to execute both commands with elevated permissions (an administrative CMD prompt)

Create a local user or administrator account in Windows 10

Enable the Administrator account. To enable the Windows 10 administrator account do the … Manage Windows users with Net User - gHacks Tech News